Dne 2. února 1821 se v malé francouzské vesničce Anchay tesaři Pierru Vuittonovi narodil syn Louis. Když mu bylo 14 let, rozhodl se vyučit brašnářem v Paříži. Rodina však nebyla příliš majetná a proto Louisovi nezbylo nic jiného, než se do Paříže vydat pěšky. Cesta to byla dlouhá - celých čtyřista kilometrů - přesto stála za tu námahu. Po dvou letech, kdy se Louis učil v pařížské dílně u mistra Meréchala bylo jasné, že z toho hocha něco bude. Práce s kůží a výroba zavazadel ho zcela pohltila a hoch stále přicházel s novými nápady. Později se Louis osamostatnil a úspěch na sebe nenechal dlouho čekat.
V roce 1854 založil Louis Vuitton svou vlastní firmu na 4 Rue Neuve des Capucines nedaleko náměstí Vendóme. S rozvojem cestování se rozvíjel i obchod se zavazadly. Bohaté pařížské dámy nechtěly své luxusní róby vozit jen v tak ledajaké truhle. Louis nabízel zákazníkům vždy něco vyjímečného. V prvním roce jeho podnikání tedy spatřil světlo světa první cestovní kufr - perfektně okovaný, bytelný a s bezpečným zámkem. Vuittonovi šlo vždy nejen o kvalitu ale také o vzhled. Pro svůj první kufr vytvořil první zpevněné, impregnované a vodě odolné šedé plátno Trianon.
Mezitím se Louis stačil oženit a o tři roky později se manželům Vuittonovým narodil syn Georges. Vuittonova dílna se úspěšně rozrůstala a s převratnými novinkami slavila velkolepé úspěchy i za hranicemi Paříže. "Nezničitelná" zavazadla s iniciálami LV si rychle oblíbili i cestovatelé, pro které Louis v roce 1868 vytvořil speciální kufr na cesty do tropů s názvem Zinc. V době, kdy ve Francii probíhali vzrušené debaty o nové dominantě Paříže - Eiffelově věži, značka Vuitton byla již celosvětově uznávaná. Oproti konkurenci přicházel Louis stále s něčím novým, otevřel další obchody a vymyslel pruhované plátno Beige Striped. Každé přání zákazníka změnil v realitu. Pro cestovatele, kteří se vydali na expedici do Konga dokonce vytvořil Bed-Trunk, kufr, který se dal rozložit tak, že z něho vzniklo pohodlné lehátko s úložným prostorem.
V roce 1880 převzal společnost Louisův syn Georges, kterému se již dostalo kvalitního vzdělání na britských školách. Za svým otcem nezůstal pozadu. Otevřel nový obchod v Londýně, vytvořil první bezpečnostní zámek na klíč, napsal úspěšnou knihu o historii i současnosti cestování, vymyslel další varianty zavazadel a dal světu nejznámější plátno - tradiční poznávací znamení firmy - Monogram. Do rodinného podniku se velmi brzy zapojil i Georgesův syn Gaston. Značka LV dobyla Ameriku a v rodině se předávala z generace na generaci. Dnes v ní působí nejmladší pokračovatel rodu a dědic celého impéria Patrick Louis Vuitton.
Všichni bohatí a slavní brzy pochopili, že vlastnit výrobek od Vuittona je nejen známkou prestiže, ale že současně získávají i umělecké dílo, které vyrobily lidské ruce a ne stroj. K lidem, kteří na Vuittona a jeho výrobky nadali a nedají dopustit patří například Cary Grant, sultán Abdul-Hamid II., Ginger Rogers, Marlene Dietrich, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn, Yul Bryner, Lauren Bacali, Ismail Pasha, Jerry Lewis, Kirk Douglas, Sharon Stone, Andie McDowell, Harrison Ford, Elton John, David Backham, Madonna, Uma Thurman, ale i mnoho obyčejných lidí, kteří si potrpí na kvalitu.
Rod Vuittonů vždy cítil lásku k cestování a ke sportu. Na počátku dvacátého století se rodina aktivně účastnila závodů helikoptér (dvojčata Pierre a Jean, synové Gastona Vuittona, na pařížské letecké show v roce 1909 uskutečnili přehlídkový let svou vlastní helikoptérou s názvem Vuitton II.), následně je zaujalo jachtařství a automobilismus. Jachtařská soutěž Louis Vuitton Cup i přehlídka veteránů Louis Vuitton Classic jsou dnes prestižními událostmi, které stále vzbuzují zájem profesionálů, fanoušků i laiků.
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(BrentMiz, 21. 11. 2024 10:57)
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Lushentic Chenal Bags for the Fashion-Forward Replica Lover
(Wilburtet, 20. 11. 2024 13:03)
The allure of luxury fashion is undeniable. Yet, for many, the steep price tags associated with high-end brands like Chanel remain out of reach. Enter Lushentic Chenal Bags—a solution for replica lovers and fashion enthusiasts seeking the look and feel of luxury without breaking the bank. These bags offer a unique blend of quality craftsmanship and affordability, making them a standout choice in the world of replica fashion. In this blog post, we'll explore the appeal of Lushentic Chenal Bags, their place in the replica market, and what it means for fashion-forward individuals.
Unraveling Replica Fashion's History
The concept of replica fashion has been around for decades, tracing back to when luxury goods first became symbols of status and wealth. Over time, as the desire for high-end brands grew, so did the demand for affordable alternatives. The evolution of replica fashion has seen it transition from poorly made counterfeits to nearly indistinguishable replicas, appealing to a broader audience. Today, replica fashion caters to those who appreciate the aesthetics of luxury without the associated financial burden. This shift reflects a growing acceptance and normalization of replicas in the fashion community.
Lushentic Chenal Bags: A Detailed Look
Lushentic Chenal Bags are renowned for their detailed craftsmanship and high-quality materials. These replicas meticulously mimic the design and feel of authentic Chanel bags, making them a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts. From the iconic quilted patterns to the signature interlocking C's, every aspect of a Lushentic
The Pinnacle of Opulence: CaratBee's five Carat Diamond Ring
(BruceWig, 20. 11. 2024 12:36)
CaratBee's five Carat Diamond Ring could be the quintessence of luxurious, blending remarkable craftsmanship with unparalleled excellent. This piece epitomizes exclusivity, presenting a statement of class and sophistication unmatched on the globe of superior jewellery.
A symbol of enduring appreciate and standing, the five Carat Diamond Ring is crafted from the finest elements, ensuring each individual depth is immaculate. Its flawless design can be a testament to CaratBee's devotion to building masterpieces that stand the examination of your time.
Great for the discerning connoisseur, this ring not only signifies an important expense but additionally a timeless heirloom. Its brilliance and clarity enable it to be a dazzling focus, ideal for any distinguished jewellery selection, embodying both equally grace and prestige.
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Command Focus with Unparalleled Fire: Your Great 10 Carat Ring Awaits
(LarryAbaft, 20. 11. 2024 7:03)
On earth of great jewellery, the 10-carat ring stands as a symbol of unparalleled magnificence and standing. Its sheer sizing and brilliance command focus and admiration where ever you go. Further than its Visible appeal, a ten-carat ring speaks volumes about a single's taste and sophistication, making it not simply an accent, but a press release piece that improves any ensemble.
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Lushentic Chenal Bags for the Fashion-Forward Replica Lover
(JulioAtomo, 19. 11. 2024 23:58)
The allure of luxury fashion is undeniable. Yet, for many, the steep price tags associated with high-end brands like Chanel remain out of reach. Enter Lushentic Chenal Bags—a solution for replica lovers and fashion enthusiasts seeking the look and feel of luxury without breaking the bank. These bags offer a unique blend of quality craftsmanship and affordability, making them a standout choice in the world of replica fashion. In this blog post, we'll explore the appeal of Lushentic Chenal Bags, their place in the replica market, and what it means for fashion-forward individuals.
Unraveling Replica Fashion's History
The concept of replica fashion has been around for decades, tracing back to when luxury goods first became symbols of status and wealth. Over time, as the desire for high-end brands grew, so did the demand for affordable alternatives. The evolution of replica fashion has seen it transition from poorly made counterfeits to nearly indistinguishable replicas, appealing to a broader audience. Today, replica fashion caters to those who appreciate the aesthetics of luxury without the associated financial burden. This shift reflects a growing acceptance and normalization of replicas in the fashion community.
Lushentic Chenal Bags: A Detailed Look
Lushentic Chenal Bags are renowned for their detailed craftsmanship and high-quality materials. These replicas meticulously mimic the design and feel of authentic Chanel bags, making them a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts. From the iconic quilted patterns to the signature interlocking C's, every aspect of a Lushentic
Exploring RingGallery on Medium
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Lushentic Chenal Bags for the Fashion-Forward Replica Lover
(WilliamDaype, 19. 11. 2024 12:50)
The allure of luxury fashion is undeniable. Yet, for many, the steep price tags associated with high-end brands like Chanel remain out of reach. Enter Lushentic Chenal Bags—a solution for replica lovers and fashion enthusiasts seeking the look and feel of luxury without breaking the bank. These bags offer a unique blend of quality craftsmanship and affordability, making them a standout choice in the world of replica fashion. In this blog post, we'll explore the appeal of Lushentic Chenal Bags, their place in the replica market, and what it means for fashion-forward individuals.
Unraveling Replica Fashion's History
The concept of replica fashion has been around for decades, tracing back to when luxury goods first became symbols of status and wealth. Over time, as the desire for high-end brands grew, so did the demand for affordable alternatives. The evolution of replica fashion has seen it transition from poorly made counterfeits to nearly indistinguishable replicas, appealing to a broader audience. Today, replica fashion caters to those who appreciate the aesthetics of luxury without the associated financial burden. This shift reflects a growing acceptance and normalization of replicas in the fashion community.
Lushentic Chenal Bags: A Detailed Look
Lushentic Chenal Bags are renowned for their detailed craftsmanship and high-quality materials. These replicas meticulously mimic the design and feel of authentic Chanel bags, making them a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts. From the iconic quilted patterns to the signature interlocking C's, every aspect of a Lushentic
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(Shop-1hapse, 19. 11. 2024 10:13)Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Kak-Shop1-Biz-prevratili-svoi-NFT-v-mirovoj-trend-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/iFMEUDYHZQS | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/5-sekretov-uspeha-Shop1-Biz-na-rynke-NFT-uznaj-pervym-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/gQeLusX2ki0 | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Pochemu-NFT-ot-Shop1-Biz-stali-obyazatelnymi-dlya-kollekcionerov-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/RVvs5HgsCeF | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Shop1-Biz-istoriya-uspeha-kotoraya-vdohnovlyaet-tysyachi-startapov-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/93RBtx26jv0 | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Kak-Shop1-Biz-zarabatyvayut-milliony-na-NFT-Insajderskie-podrobnosti-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/nYBDNikC63- | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/NFT-ot-Shop1-Biz-pochemu-vse-ob-ehtom-govoryat-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/Xhs6rLokde5 | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Sekretnaya-strategiya-Shop1-Biz-kak-ih-NFT-pokorili-rynok-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/za7cRfJwcIq | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Shop1-Biz-ot-idei-do-milliona-prodannyh-NFT--polnyj-put-k-uspehu-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/E-w5NXCxz0w | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Pochemu-NFT-ot-Shop1-Biz-schitayutsya-samymi-trendovymi-v-2024-godu-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/NELEzbKQDn0 | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Uroki-uspeha-ot-Shop1-Biz-kak-prevratit-NFT-v-zoloto-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/Z3jS9_mHz_E | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Shop1-Biz-revolyuciya-v-mire-NFT-ili-vremennyj-hajp-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/C_VjFudWcgz | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/NFT-ot-Shop1-Biz-chto-delaet-ih-takimi-populyarnymi-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/_3uL90mcfta | Подробнее https://telegra.ph/Shop1-Biz-i-NFT-kak-oni-vzorvali-rynok-cifrovogo-iskusstva-11-17 | Подробнее https://teletype.in/@ravet/VW0fanEzBMR |
Lushentic Chenal Bags for the Fashion-Forward Replica Lover
(EdwardVot, 19. 11. 2024 6:49)
The allure of luxury fashion is undeniable. Yet, for many, the steep price tags associated with high-end brands like Chanel remain out of reach. Enter Lushentic Chenal Bags—a solution for replica lovers and fashion enthusiasts seeking the look and feel of luxury without breaking the bank. These bags offer a unique blend of quality craftsmanship and affordability, making them a standout choice in the world of replica fashion. In this blog post, we'll explore the appeal of Lushentic Chenal Bags, their place in the replica market, and what it means for fashion-forward individuals.
Unraveling Replica Fashion's History
The concept of replica fashion has been around for decades, tracing back to when luxury goods first became symbols of status and wealth. Over time, as the desire for high-end brands grew, so did the demand for affordable alternatives. The evolution of replica fashion has seen it transition from poorly made counterfeits to nearly indistinguishable replicas, appealing to a broader audience. Today, replica fashion caters to those who appreciate the aesthetics of luxury without the associated financial burden. This shift reflects a growing acceptance and normalization of replicas in the fashion community.
Lushentic Chenal Bags: A Detailed Look
Lushentic Chenal Bags are renowned for their detailed craftsmanship and high-quality materials. These replicas meticulously mimic the design and feel of authentic Chanel bags, making them a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts. From the iconic quilted patterns to the signature interlocking C's, every aspect of a Lushentic
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(Georgehal, 21. 11. 2024 12:48)